
epa sonidos | release | 06.2010

"With a touch of..." es más que unas pocas lí­neas pintadas en estos 5 tracks llenos de reverberantes paisajes. Aunque Daniel Tischer deviene a través de diferentes emociones entre las composiciones, lo que escuchamos siempre está cargado de profundas sensaciones logradas en la mezcla de instrumentos y sintetizadores substantes.
Esperando a julio para cumplir nuestro tercer año en la red, D.Soul, del netlabel tropic (http://www.tropic-netlabel.de/), es uno de los artistas que pone un punto de fuga en el catalogo. Bienvenido a la red epa sonírica!

"With a touch of..." it's more than few draws painted in this 5 tracks full of sounding landscapes. Nevertheless Daniel Tischer pass trough different emotions between compositions, all that we heard are charged with inner feelings achieved by mixed instruments and deep synthesizers.
We are excited to announce that next month we'll accomplished 3 years on the net, and D.Soul, from tropic netlabel (http://www.tropic-netlabel.de/), is an artist who make with this album a remark in our catalogue. Welcome to the epa sounds network!

Written By :: Daniel Tischer
Artwork By :: Jack_plug
Mastered By :: Basstk
Photograpy By :: André Baradit


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